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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-14 00:35:54    来源:云推B2B网    作者:云推小编    浏览次数:1045    评论:0


   自今年推出食品法规视界系列(Foresight)免费直播活动。Foresight系列直播课以全球食品安全合规热点为话题,以强大的多语种合规研究专家团队做支撑,着眼于全球食品法规现状,旨在帮助全球的食品企业顺利开展对华食品贸易以及全球性食品贸易,与全球企业共享前沿食品安全合规信息,确保产品合规,减少不必要的损失。Foresight,有远见,前瞻之意,代表着会充分发挥自身的优势,为所有食品企业的全球贸易保驾护航。     Foodmate has launched the series of webinar called FORESIGHT this year. FORESIGHT focus on the hot topics of global food safety compliance and the status of global food regulations, and is supported by a strong multilingual compliance research expert team. FORESIGHT aims to help global food companies to successfully carry out food trade with China and other countries/regions, and share frontier food safety compliance information with global companies to ensure product compliance and reduce unnecessary losses. FORESIGHT, represents that Foodmate will give full play to its own advantages to escort the global trade of all food companies.     Foresight立足与全球食品安全合规市场,深研各国食品法规动态,目前主要以免费线上直播的形式将世界各国法规前沿动态和热点分享给观众,未来计划面向全球食品企业,食品协会和相关主管当局,举行线上线下同步进行的食品法规分享活动。     based on the global food safety compliance market, FORESIGHT has deeply researched the trends of food regulations in various countries. Currently, FORESIGHT mainly shares the latest developments and hotspots of regulations around the world to the audience in the form of free webinar. In the future, we plan to hold online and offline events simultaneously for global food companies, food associations and relevant authorities.     迄今为止,Foresight系列直播课已经成功举办了3期,每期平均观众达60人。从境外生产企业注册,到中俄贸易合规,用英语和俄语等多语种为参会企业和组织进行了免费直播活动,取得了非凡的效果。通过直播和后续的答疑,我们成功帮助多家企业获得境外生产企业注册编码,让他们能够顺利开展贸易。     So far, FORESIGHT has been successfully held for 3 sessions, with an average audience of 60 per session. From the registration of overseas production enterprises to Sino-Russian trade compliance, Foodmate conducted free webinars for participating enterprises and organizations in English, Russian and other languages, and achieved extraordinary results. Through webinar and follow-up Q&A, we have successfully helped many companies obtain registration codes for overseas production companies, enabling them to conduct trade smoothly.   上图为我们特意为此系列直播Foresight设计的Logo。Logo整体选色采用蓝,红,黄,绿,黑五色,像“奥运五环”一样,象征着五大洲和全世界。在扎根中国的基础上正向全世界迈进,以此许下美好的期待,希望可以在不久的将来让我们的专业服务走进世界各类食品企业。蓝色部分引申含义为海浪,与海外市场相呼应,漂洋过海与全球企业建立联系合作。中间黄色部分采用乘风的船帆为原型,代表着我们锐意开拓进取,乘风破浪,勇往直前。成为全球食品行业最优秀的服务公司一直都是的愿景,我们将始终坚持初心,脚踏实地,披荆斩棘,带着最美好的期待逐步走向世界,正所谓“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”。     The picture above shows the logo we specially designed for FORESIGHT. The overall color selection of the logo is blue, red, yellow, green and black, which is same as the “Olympic Rings”. It symbolizes the five continents and the world. On the basis of taking root in China, Foodmate is moving forward to the world, so as to make good expectations, and hope that our professional services can be introduced to various food companies in the world. The blue part represents waves, echoing with overseas markets. Foodmate wishes to establish contacts and cooperation with global food enterprises. The yellow part in the middle is based on the sails that ride the wind, which represents our determination to forge ahead, ride the wind and waves, and move forward bravely. To be the best service company in the global food industry is always the vision of Foodmate. We will always adhere to the original intention, be down-to-earth, overcome difficulties, and gradually enter the world market with the best expectations. As the saying goes, “A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves, I'll set my cloud-white sail and cross the sea which raves.”     我们今年已经进行和即将开始的直播计划和主题,请参考下表,并关注网站<https://global.foodmate.net/webinars/list.php?catid=30>上的信息,在您感兴趣的话题开播前注册报名或回看过往直播内容。如果您有为公司员工或客户组织专属线上活动的想法,欢迎发送需求至global_info@foodmate.net     Please refer to the table below for FORESIGHT webinar topics this year, and follow the information on the website <https://global.foodmate.net/webinars/list.php?catid=30> . You can register the interested topics or review the previous webinar. If you have demands of organizing an exclusive webinar for company employees or customers, please send your request to global_info@foodmate.net .
本文为云推小编原创作品,作者: 云推小编。欢迎转载,转载请注明原文出处:http://www.yuntuisou.com/news/show-7030.html 。本文仅代表作者个人观点,本站未对其内容进行核实,请读者仅做参考,如若文中涉及有违公德、触犯法律的内容,一经发现,立即删除,作者需自行承担相应责任。涉及到版权或其他问题,请及时联系我们。

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