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        David Gerrard     美国弗吉尼亚理工学院暨州立大学  教授     发言主题     Understanding the postmortem metabolism and pork quality     嘉宾介绍     David E. Gerrard was born and raised in northern Indiana on a mixed livestock and grain farm.  He received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. from Purdue University. Gerrard joined the faculty at the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1992 and was a visiting scientist at the Institut National de Recherche Agronomique, France from 1992 to 1993.  In 1996, Dr. Gerrard relocated his program to Purdue University and continued studying the mechanisms controlling energy metabolism in skeletal muscle and animal growth.  He was promoted to Professor in 2001 and was recognized as a University Faculty Scholar in 2002 for his scholarly achievements.  In 2009, Gerrard moved his research program to Blacksburg, Virginia where he assumed the role of head of the Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences at Virginia Tech.  During his tenure in that role, he has transformed the department into a formidable research entity and is currently leading the renovations of its animal facilities.  A couple of years ago, Dave assumed role as interim head of the Department of Dairy Science and has led the creation of a School of Animal Sciences.  Dr. Gerrard continues to lead a national and internationally renowned research program in meat science and muscle biology, and has continually supported his program with a diverse funding portfolio that includes federal funding agencies.  He also teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in meat science and animal growth each semester.  Gerrard has educated nearly 50 professionals who hold positions at a number of land grant institutions, government and privately funded research environments worldwide.  Dr. Gerrard has also hosted a number of visiting scientists and students from across the globe.  He has been PI or co-PI of some 20 federal grants worth approximately $10M and has published over 160 refereed publications in a variety of journals including Journal of Animal Science, Meat Science, FASEB, American Journal of Physiology, Cell Calcium, Molecular metabolism, Developmental Biology and PLOS ONE. Dr.          Fidel Toldrá     西班牙农业化学与食品技术研究所  教授     发言主题     Advances in adding value to meat by-products     嘉宾介绍     Fidel Toldrá, PhD in Chemistry and Research Professor at the Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (CSIC). He is Editor-in-Chief of Trends in Food Science and Technology (Elsevier), Associate Editor of Meat Science (Elsevier) and Editor of the Serial books Advances in Food & Nutrition Research (Academic Press/Elsevier). Also Editorial Board member of 15 journals. He has published >350 publications in international journals, with h index= 71, published >155 chapters of books and edited/co-edited >55 books. He received the 2002 International Prize for Meat Science and Technology (IMS), 2010 Distinguished Research Award, 2014 Meat Processing Award and 2023 International Lectureship Award, all three from American Meat Science Association, 2015 Dupont Science Award, 2019 Award for Advancement of Application of Agricultural and Food Chemistry of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and 2019 Award to Innovation of Association of Spanish Meat Industry. He was elected a Fellow of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFOST, 2008), Fellow of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT, 2009) and Fellow of the Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society (AGFD-ACS, 2022). His research interests are focused on (bio)chemistry and analytical methodologies for improving sensory quality, nutrition and safety of meat and meat products and for giving additional value to meat by-products.     关于大会     2023亚太肉类科技大会暨第二十届中国肉类科技大会/暨第七届肉类加工与新产品开发技术研讨会邀请科研院所,国内外专家共同研讨肉品加工领域最新研究和成果,搭建行业交流平台,推进行业科技发展。     主办单位     中国畜产品加工研究会          陕西师范大学     西安市临潼区人民政府     承办单位     西北农林科技大学     陕西科技大学     陕西理工大学     安徽农业大学     西安市畜产品安全生产与营养控制重点实验室     中国畜产品加工研究会肉品加工专业委员会     中国畜产品加工研究会青年工作委员会     陕西好邦食品股份有限公司
  支持单位     安琪酵母股份有限公司     湖北省兴发磷化工研究院有限公司     青岛德慧海洋生物科技有限公司     绿康生化股份有限公司     多科智能装备(常熟)有限公司     河南金丹乳酸科技股份有限公司     法泰斯特(北京)技术有限公司     北京天翔飞域科技有限公司     上海同化益生纤生物科技有限公司     翊持先进冷链科技(无锡)有限公司     会议时间、地点     会议时间     2023年7月19日——7月21日     会议地点     华清爱琴海国际酒店(陕西省西安市临潼区陕鼓大道8号)

       会议费用     1.会务费收费标准     注:     (1)同一单位团体参会人数5人及以上,每人可优惠200元。     (2)会务费含:会议场地及设备租赁、资料等费用。食宿统一安排,费用自理。学生代表注册需出示学生证。     (3)本次会期正值暑期旺季,宾馆住宿将非常紧张。请参会代表务必在7月1日前完成注册报名和缴费,7月1日后或现场注册缴费的参会代表,在房源紧张时请自行解决住宿。  
      参会请联系组委会,填写参会回执表,并于7月1日前发送至组委会。     胡老师  18153592317(微信同号)      

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